Thursday, July 30, 2009

Excerpts From Signals by Joel Rothschild

Signals By Joel Rothschild was a book I read lately. It's about a man, Albert who committed suicide as he could no longer bear the pains of life. His gay lover, Joel is till today alive as he believes that Albert, is guiding him everyday.

This was definitely an amazing read.

Fyi, Joel Rothschild is the longest surviving HIV + patient.

Joel, you must not take your own life. You must go as far as you can in life. Know that each and every moment of life matters and that they are the same in many ways. Ways you have not yet seen. The good, the bad, the healthy days, the sick ones, happy sad, bored,or thrilled- they are the same. With each and every breath, and in every moment of life, you are working things out, things that are connected to some thing far greater. You are part of something much bigger. We are all part of this larger purpose. Those kind people and those cruel people all have a purpose you can't possibly understand right now. Each and every person matters, and each and every moment matters. The painful ones included. We are all one.

You are now confined to living a single moment at a time. Moment by moment, you mark your life. All spiritual growth is based on work from the past. All past experiences are building blocks. All the individual moments of life are the grains of matter that form each block. We are more than grains of sand on a collective beach that is God- we are individual universes bound, tied and connected to one another.
Individual spiritual growth is connected to a collective growth. Free will and destiny are two paths that head to the same place. They cross each other along the way. They are inseparable. Nor is the individual separate from the whole. All life forces are evolving, growing, and moving forward toward oneness with the infinite.

You must live as many of life's moments as you can endure. There is meaning and purpose in every breath of life for you- and for every one- including the moments of pain and suffering. All suffering is connected to a greater good you can't possibly understand right now. Each breath, each second of life matters. In every breath and moment of life, you are indeed accomplishing and working out so much that you can't understand or recognize from where you are now.

Trust me, trust in our love. You will learn and grow through my death. You will know it was my path and destiny to end my life in that moment. It was my life's lesson. What I've learned since death. My suicide is also connected to a greater good. You will see it, in part, unfold in your own life. I will contact you again. I am always with you.

Albert Fleites to Joel Rothschild in the book "Signals" by Joel Rothschild.

A debate between a famous rabbi and a cardinal on the subject of the differences between Christianity and Judaism:

The Rabbi concluded:

For two thousand years, Christians have believed that mankind is intrinsically bad, that all human beings inherit original sin and always must go to God for forgiveness. Jews on the other hand, for four thousand years, have tended to believe mankind is intrinsically good. We do make mistakes, however, and should go to God for forgiveness when we do so.

Keep it up Joel!

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