Monday, October 26, 2009

Full to the brim?


I'm officially gonna lose all forms of social life,

I have commited my self to not only my twice weekly french classes, I have also offered to teach at my sister's tuition centre, that leaves me only 3 days, (rather 2 nights) of some activity...

OMG, that's supremely sad...

But I reckon, there is still more to be done!


current crazes are:

1. BFM
2. Portishead
3. Massive Attack
4. Bjork
5. Myself

Current Issues:

1. A mom with the empty nest syndrome
2. BFM's car and phone
3. Not spending time for exercise
4. A sister who comes to me for answers (which I don't have)
5. A boss who doesn't spend enough time on me =( , seriously
6. Not enough sleep
7. A dog who's got nobody to play with while I'm at work


1. Spending more time at home, (don't ask doing what)
2. buy another phone? (hopefully I can afford one)
3. Spend fifteen minutes every morning doing sun salutations
4. Refer her to another fellow blogger =) <-- genius right?
5. Keep reading materials...
6. Spending less time on facebook
7. get another dog?? heheh My mom would kill me, and Butler would rape that dog, dedicate sunday nights for him...

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