Wednesday, December 23, 2009

sitting at McD waiting for my tuition kid

Let me tell you what happened today:

It's Weng Hoe's birthday today!

I had lunch with an old school friend, Aysha, and boy was I exposed to all the Drama one can experience in just one and a half hours! (it's the alcohol I tell you)

After work, I headed to Ampang Park for tuition, I was rushing cos I got held back at work, so when I'm rushing I get more annoyed.

I just don't understand why Malaysians don't seem to follow the idea of "keep left to allow others to walk" on the escalators.

When the train doors open, yes it's considerate of you to exit the train to let those who want to get out at this particular station to go out and then go back in, but

it doesn't make sense if you're just gonna stand right smack at the door! ure still blocking the way dude!

Anyways, I'm at tuition now, but my kid hasn't come, he got stuck in some critical traffic.
Just so you know, there's this lady sitting next to me, she just sits there... in McD's...without ordering anything, she sits and stares out the window.

It's quite intriguing, I'd like to know her past and present, where are her family? why does she sit there? Is she waiting for somebody?
Have her children abandoned her? (let me find them for you and beat the shit out of them!)

Oh, once I'm in top management, I will not give my employees under me work at the dying minute!
It's just inconsiderate and nonsensical!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sri lanka!

I'm heading to Sri Lanka, and I sooo can't wait!

Going this Friday!

Hope I can accumulate enough cash by then!

Things to be done:
1. Convert ringgit

2. Pack!

3. Read up!

4. Make a list of things to buy for who... (family n bfm topping the list at the mo)

5. make a list of things i want to buy for myself

By the way, I'm going to Sri Lanka with these bunch of girls I don't know that well, so that's gonna be tonnes of fun to get to know them!

other than mini and Shaz of course!

Plus I get to meet Rozanne! Looking forward to that terribly! and of course, discovering what Sri Lanka has to offer!

What a story!

Today, I was driving my mum around,

the radio was on, then came those short drama series on the radio.

Typical Tamil drama scene, the mom wanting her son to get married, the son refusing as he didn't want to leave his mom alone.

Then after some persuasion, he gets married (arranged), and he's becomes completely engulfed in wife. Ignoring his mum, making his wife his number one priority. Mom get sick, complains to her friend, friend sticks her nosy butt into the drama, telling the son to respect his mom, wife gets all dramatic hearing this,

son and wife move out. (by the way, this story takes place with ALOT of crying and sobbing and whining!)

Moral of story:

1. Parents, don't pressure your children to get married ;)

2. Children, don't forget that your parents brought you into this world, it is important to be patient with them, as they grow older especially, as much as this can be very tiring, it's the least we could do after they took care of us for soo many years!

That too without complaining.

3. Don't have children, use the money for travel and charity ;)

So from today, I pledge to be more patient, respectful and loving to my parents.

irregardless of my moods

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Blood is definitely thicker than water!

I have been spending a lot of time with my sister, a lot more when she was taking me to work at least...

And we'd talk about everything and anything under the sun, though some I talk about more openly than her, ;)

Last night two things happened, that I hope I'll get to do with her.

My mom left to singapore on a 3 day trip (woo hoo! party),
my mom went with all her sisters,
So i hope I'll get to do that with my sister, and obviously my brother included, cos we're totally whack put together, and I play a major role in it (being the middle child)

My dad's sister (my aunt), we paid her a visit, and she was telling us about how she spent the whole of yesterday visiting hospitals and getting medical check up with her sister!

This I hope will not have to happen, but if necessary, I sure do hope we'll be there for each other.

Plus, we're already getting our cervical cancer shots together! So there's a start. ;)

Hehe, this is how we pray together, we sit close to each other and cam whore. Nyahahahaha

Now, another thing about family, they're crazy!

I texted my uncle to inform him that my mom had called and that everybody's fine in Spore

uncle: k thanks

Me: So how u been la?

Uncle: i'm ok only la

Me: Aiyoyoy, cinama (my aunt) just left one day only so sad already?? Be happy la!

uncle: teh Tarik = rm 1.20


ps: My brother dearie, U're being missed at home very much,

pps: my cousin who's studying in India has come back and now gone to S'pore due to certain disabilities (omg i'm so mean) has come back, and now talks a la indian

by that i mean, when she speaks, she shkaes her head!


It was too funny!