Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sri lanka!

I'm heading to Sri Lanka, and I sooo can't wait!

Going this Friday!

Hope I can accumulate enough cash by then!

Things to be done:
1. Convert ringgit

2. Pack!

3. Read up!

4. Make a list of things to buy for who... (family n bfm topping the list at the mo)

5. make a list of things i want to buy for myself

By the way, I'm going to Sri Lanka with these bunch of girls I don't know that well, so that's gonna be tonnes of fun to get to know them!

other than mini and Shaz of course!

Plus I get to meet Rozanne! Looking forward to that terribly! and of course, discovering what Sri Lanka has to offer!


  1. ME ME ME ME! buy something for me!

  2. hahahah
    why do sign ur name, if u put it as anonymous in the first place?
