Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Blood is definitely thicker than water!

I have been spending a lot of time with my sister, a lot more when she was taking me to work at least...

And we'd talk about everything and anything under the sun, though some I talk about more openly than her, ;)

Last night two things happened, that I hope I'll get to do with her.

My mom left to singapore on a 3 day trip (woo hoo! party),
my mom went with all her sisters,
So i hope I'll get to do that with my sister, and obviously my brother included, cos we're totally whack put together, and I play a major role in it (being the middle child)

My dad's sister (my aunt), we paid her a visit, and she was telling us about how she spent the whole of yesterday visiting hospitals and getting medical check up with her sister!

This I hope will not have to happen, but if necessary, I sure do hope we'll be there for each other.

Plus, we're already getting our cervical cancer shots together! So there's a start. ;)

Hehe, this is how we pray together, we sit close to each other and cam whore. Nyahahahaha

Now, another thing about family, they're crazy!

I texted my uncle to inform him that my mom had called and that everybody's fine in Spore

uncle: k thanks

Me: So how u been la?

Uncle: i'm ok only la

Me: Aiyoyoy, cinama (my aunt) just left one day only so sad already?? Be happy la!

uncle: teh Tarik = rm 1.20


ps: My brother dearie, U're being missed at home very much,

pps: my cousin who's studying in India has come back and now gone to S'pore due to certain disabilities (omg i'm so mean) has come back, and now talks a la indian

by that i mean, when she speaks, she shkaes her head!


It was too funny!

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