Saturday, June 26, 2010

Running Away

Today morning, oh wait, afternoon, after I woke up, I went downstairs to read the news paper.

Boy was that the biggest mistake for the day!

I read news about a lot of despair, corruption, disasters, religious extremists, Malaysia's stupid political parties etc.

The only good thing that brought a smile to my face was a recap on Julia Gillard's journey to becoming Prime MInister and the match of the day! England Vs. Germany!

So whilst I was reading all that ngativity, I was already in my head thinking of a backup plan. Thinking of which other coutry could I buy property and perhaps settle there.

But then, isn't that just being cowardice and running away?

So now I have to do something, something to fix our corrupted country.

Just need to start working on a strategy.


Friday, June 25, 2010

Your Life story

This one, I would like to dedicate for a very special friend of mine. I actually got it from Robin Sharma's book "Who Will Cry When You Die".

My Friend;
Well, I've aways had a soft spot for her, right from the first day I met her.

So here's to you my Dear dear Friend.

One of the most wonderful things about time is the fact that you cannot waste it in advance. No matter how much time you have squandered in the past, the next hour that comes your way will be perfect, unspoiled and ready for YOU to make the very best of it. No Matter what has happened to you in the past, your future is spotless. Realise that every dawn brings with it the corresponding opportunity to begin a completely new life. If you so chose, tomorrow can be the day that you start getting up earlier, reading more, exercising, eating well and worrying less and even being happier (this I have added on my own). As author Ashleigh Brilliant has observed, "at any moment I could start being more of the person I dream to be- but which moment should I chose?"

No one is stopping you from opening your journal and on a blank page, rewriting the story of your life. This very minute, you can decide the way you would like to unfold, change the central characters and create a new ending. The only question is will YOU chose to do so?

Remember, it is never too late to become the person you have always wanted to be.

I hope this helps you, in wanting to start over. What ever you want to be, I'm right here.

Good Luck to you!

RM 800 MIllion palace

What person in the right mind can accept suck a gift, knowing that there are people in their country not getting the best out of life.

Not getting the proper education.

Elderly being abandoned with no where to go but the streets, begging for a living.

Communities being left out while th rest of the country develops.

Infrastructure that does not lead to enough growth of the economy.

Public transport that can be made better.

To me,
anybody who accepts such an expensive gift (while knowing the above) is just selfish.

And i'm sure he can't not know the above considering that he is the king!

I'm just so disgusted.

Not to mention that it's all taxpayers money.


And now, reading this makes me more sick.

What a way to start the morning.

I just need to do something. I feel stupid for not being able to stop the ridiculousness.

So if ure reading this and feel the same way to, please contact me, and I'll be more than willing to contribute my help.

Friday, June 11, 2010


Don't we waste it?

Time is so precious, once it's gone, you definetly can't get it back.
Today, I wasted it, when I got stuck in the rain, after lunching with the Hoe. I was stuck at the LRT. It was pouring heavily, so I couldn't walk to my office. The moment I knew it, I thought, why not I take the LRT go to KLCC, post my letters and come back (cos I wouldn't get wet there and back)
But of course, being cautious, I thought, what if the rain suddenly stopped while I was on the way to KLCC, (the Hoe suggested suddenly taking the train back to my office =.=).

Hence I decided against going there and stood at the Dang Wangi LRT foyer, giving directions to lost tourists :D

By the time the rain stopped, I knew, that I could have just taken the train to KLCC and back. If only I didn't doubt my thought.

I have realised, that when a thought occurs to you, you should just do it. Cos when you stop to think about it, you're just wasting time.
I didn't waste all the time there in the LRT, I gotta to smell the rain, see the rain fall and of course; help tourists!

So I guess it wasn't so bad. But still I could have made better use of it. Oh well, it's gone, there's no point dwelling in the past.


Ps: I'd like to dedicate this to my fliend Padmini, a person I can talk just about anything and get an honest feed back. you have definitely been a great fliend minii!
Heart you!
Why I'm being nice to her you ask?
Hehe, she made me this beautiful piece of art, and it was very thoughtful of her (although I think she had too much time =D)

Pps: Leaving to Beijing on Monday night!