Saturday, September 5, 2009

Why here?

Have you ever wondered how come you were born on Earth?

I believe that we all play a part in this world, and some where I read, that we're all intertwined with each other, in one way or the other. Everything happens for a reason.

But still, what is our ultimate purpose in life?

I believe that I should not live for my self. Whenever possible, help those who are in need. At the same time I strongly feel that financial help in certain circumstances is not a way of help, I believe in empowering people, educating them, making them realize of the opportunities out there, and from there on, you're on your own 2 feet.

I've started working recently, as I'm new to the position, it requires me to read a lot, to find out what is required of my position.

Over the weekends, I volunteer at a Somalian refugee school. I help organize the place, make sure every thing's intact, and teach a couple of classes. Mainly English and Math. I like teaching, it gives me the opportunity to interact, educate, empower and motivate an individual.

It also enables me to learn the importance of patience, and has also warned me of what motherhood is about! and what to avoid! (kids)

Teaching is a very noble thing, and if it wasn't because of our teachers, we wouldn't be who we are now. They play a very important role in all school going individuals.

I've had this sort of vision of teaching my child wrong colours, or wrong fruits, just as a sort of a practical joke. When I went for my volunteering classes, it gave me an avenue for experimenting this.
I still think it would be funny if I showed them an apple and called it an orange. Imagine the many embarrassments that they would experience!

Well on my first day of teaching, this popped back into my mind. But strange enough, I couldn't bring my self to do it.

I guess it was because they weren't mine, and it wouldn't be fair to their parents. Definitely gonna try this on my own though!

Anyways,as I go for more classes with them, I am getting to know more and more of them, and every minute of it has been most fulfilling, I get the same good feeling after a good workout session.

In one of our classes, I had them talk about themselves, and what they would like to be when they grow up.

And they all came up with the same standard answers of Doctor, Teacher (like me). I guess it is because these are the only kind of people they've been exposed to. Although a 2 wanted to be soldiers, guess this would come from their Somalian background, and them wanting the war in their home country to end.

When I grew up, I wanted to be a doctor. Seriously, is this like some kind of standard answer all babies are told when they're born or something?!

Anyways, my point here is, instead of spending your free times going something unproductive, talk to the young ones around you, be they fortunate or not, and inspire them, let them know of all the different possibilities there are.

Instead of spending time to working on that Channel bag, or that Nissan GTR, why not we spend our free time empowering and inspiring those kids around us. These children are after all the leaders of tomorrow!

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