Monday, August 31, 2009


Today is Merdeka, supposedly when Malaysia gained its independence from the British.

It's quite sad that my patriotism for Malysia is deteriorating as the years pass.

This year, we've witnessed so many things that show how messed up the systems that's governing us is.

The Teoh Beng Hock incident, anti-isa demonstration, Cow head incident,the PKFZ scandal, the current turmoil in MCA

As Raja Petra calls it Moodeka! Read it, and you'll be shocked as to what a sorry state our country is in.

And the incident that happened last Friday, I just pity all those people who were involved in the protest, how illiterate they must be. Hopefully such foolishness does not pass on. And that cow, it didn't deserve such humiliation after it's tragic death.

It's really quite sad. I could actually feel such a pain in my heart to know that this is the country I was born in.

I know, and I hope that my generation of Malaysian will be more compassionate amongst each other.

To me the true meaning of Merdeka is when the various races of our country can get together and have fun, like my friends and myself.

We respect each others religion, yea we may mock each other as well, but we also forgive and forget. And that is the most important thing to do.

Yes, easier said then done, but I'm sure if we out out hearts and minds to it, we can achieve peace and harmony in our beloved Malaysia.

And to all my friends and family overseas, I hope you will not forget your country and eventually come back!

1 comment:

  1. omg that's us for your merdeka post! lol cina melayu india. bagus2. you still speaking malay language in the spirit of merdeka? lol. xxx
