I recently signed up for a
boot camp wherein I was to go
through some vigorous exercise. There have so far been only 2 lessons. In the first, we were to record our stamina levels. In which, I managed to clock in 17 minutes, which I was told, was pretty impressive for a first timer of my build! *pat on the head*
Today was the second day of the camp. It started at 5.45, which meant I had to be up and about by 4.50 in the MORNING!!
It rained, and we were forced to run, jog, do
sit ups, squats,
push ups, and the likes, in the RAIN!
While doing
sit ups, I had drops of rain falling into my eyes =( It was crazy, miserable, wet, cold, sweaty. And
every time we slowed down, the
sargeants would add in another half a minute, and f.y.i, half a minute in
boot camp time is like FOREVER!
boot camp I quickly rushed home to beat the KL traffic and to be able to clock in a bit more sleep before my interview
with my prospective employer.
At the office,
before being
given the offer letter to take me under their wing, I was to have a medical check up done.
For some reason I get
creeped out by medical check ups, I mean what if something is detected that I might not want my parents to know about. WHAT IF?!?!
So I walked all the way to the clinic from my office only to be made to wait for an agonizing 20 minutes only to have my name called to be registered! Not even seen by the doctor. After the registration process I had to wait another half hour, and finally when my name got called, I had to get an X-ray and a pee test done.
I took my cup to pee in, but then I
hahha, dropped it into the toilet bowl by accident, and had no more pee left. So the nurse got me to to do the X-ray first, while making me drink 3 large cups of water.
Then I managed to collect some pee in the cup and bring it back safely to the nurse. (these are the times that I feel, it's way easier to be a man)
After I had given her the cup of my precious, I exited, while exiting, I noticed that drug tests were to be done. This is when I start freaking out majorly! Not that I do drugs or anything, it's just I've had potheads blow smoke to my face. After about another 20 minutes of freaking out and panic attacks, the doctor calls me to do a physical examination.
I try peeking into her desk to see if the reports were ready, unfortunately they weren't. Then she proceeded to examine my *ahem* chest. After "careful" examination, she claims there to be a slight lump. Although she said it was nothing to worry about, she said to get it checked by a surgeon.
At this point of time I'm still worried about the pee test. =S I peeked into her desk again, and whoa, thanks God! I was negative for anything.
Phewww what a relief!
Next stop, possibility of breast cancer.
SighhImmediately I called my dad, who happens to be a doctor, and I meet up with him and my mom to go the National Cancer Centre.
However before that I did manage to meet up with
Lim to eat at the
Pink Sage. The food took forever to come, we were both starving, I had a
vege burger and it was DELICIOUS! While
Jann had a beef burger, poor cow =(
My yummy
Vege burger!

This burger was
huuge! To big to bite into, but remarkably delicious.
After paying our bill, we opted to sign off on their mirrored panel! I left my trademark sign!

And the
n of course....

I managed t get my words right to the top!
Yay! for being tall!
And my brother who later joined us, could only manage to give his 2 cents worth...

Jann who looks up to me for everything, followed suit and wrote his two cents worth as well. Didn't manage to capture that though.
Well after having lunch together, I proceeded to meeting my parents to go to
NCSM where in there were more trained specialists to have a look at me, and the ultrasound validated the fact that I did NOT have any lump or cancer.
Phewww Second big relief for the day!
This little incident also got me to realize how much my parents
will do anything for me. My mom completely freaked out, while my dad called his network of doctors to figure out a solution to my problem. It made me appreciate them more, but at the same time, I will stand my ground in saying that I am old enough to make certain decisions in my life.
Another thing I would have to add, is that it is pretty hard to find a reliable doctor. This doctor actually put my family through a lot of distress. I would stay away from Chong dispensaries on Jalan Ampang from now on. When she looked into my ear, she put in my ear those cones, and they definitely didn't look like they had been sterilized before.
I've come across statistics that say that almost 95% of private sector clinics do NOT sterilize their equipments before using them on their patients!
While at
NCSM I also managed to get a
HPV vaccine, this is to prevent cervical cancer in women. It came in 3 doses for RM 850. Girls, please go get yours today! (again, why it's easier being a man)
Well the day has not ended, I'm just waiting for my sister and Brother to come back from
shopping so we can all go for his surprise farewell with his friends! (don't worry, I know for a fact he doesn't read my blog)
Meanwhile, I shall doze a little in order to recuperate from my very stressful day. I think I'm breaking out with a fever =S